Carter Age 2 |
Most children the same age as my own more than likely spent snow days playing video games, coloring pictures, or playing with favorite toys. Which my children also do, but many hours of these snow days, for my oldest son, Carter, have been spent with a musical instrument in hand (bass/guitar). For him, I guess that would be considered his favorite toy. He has been practicing chords that his dad recently taught him. Recently meaning, the day before yesterday. I have to admit, it’s been kind of nice to hear some sense coming of those instruments considering that for the past seven years it's mostly been beating and banging. The reason being, Carter has chosen a guitar over toys since before he could walk. It’s pretty amazing to be a witness to talent coming to life in your children. It’s all in all a pretty special gift that God gives us parents. We get to be witnesses to our children’s gifts, watching them grow and develop the things they are good at. No matter what the talent might be, it’s just a special thing watch it unfold into something beautiful. That is if us parents take the time to stop, and in my case, listen to the music.
Carter at age 8 |